Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Papas Rellenas de Queso o Picadillo ( Stuffed Potatoes- Cheese or Ground beef)

I haven't made these in a very long time, probably because they are not the healthiest or lowest in calories, but they are deeeelicious!
It is a little time consuming because the ingredients have to be prepared separately but it's worth it.


2 Pounds of potatoes (any type you prefer)
1 bag of cracker meal or bread crumbs ( I used cracker meal)
1/4 pound of ground beef ( you can use ground turkey)
1 small onion, yellow or red finely chopped
Raisins ( for the ground beef if desired)
2 whole eggs
Shredded cheese (any type desired)
1 tbsp of butter (more if desired)
1/4 cup dry cooking wine
1/4 cup of tomato sauce or paste

Peel and cut the potatoes place in a large pot with boiling water and boil until tender.  Place in a large bowl and mash adding 1 tbsp of butter. On a separate pot heat 2 tbsp of olive or canola oil. Add the ground beef to the hot oil and cook on high for about 7 minutes or until brown. Add the raisins if desired, oregano salt and pepper you your taste, the dry cooking wine and the tomato sauce or paste.
So let's start the actual process of stuffing the potato...........
Place a small amount of the mashed potatoes on one hand and flatten it by lightly tapping and spreading it on the palm of your hand. With a teaspoon scoop an adequate amount of ground beef (or cheese) and place in the center. Take some more of the mashed potatoes and place on top of the ground beef and then work it into a ball.Take two bowls, on one  place a generous amount of cracker meal (or bread crumbs) and on the other one crack open two eggs and beat vigorously. Once you work the stuffed mashed potatoes into a rounded shape, dip in the eggs and then cover with cracker meal  (or bread crumbs) compress with both hands while making it to a rounded shape. In a deep frier, heat sufficient oil to
cover the potatoes completely, and fry until they are nice and brown.
 Remove from the oil cut in half and serve hot. I like putting a bit of ketchup over the potato. Enjoy!

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