Sunday, September 12, 2010

Baked Salmon Topped with Mango Chutney

I tried this for the first time today and it came out great. While looking for a mango chutney recipe, I stumbled onto countless recipes, all different so I was a bit frustrated but i decided to then pick ingredients from different recipes and make my own version, and let me tell you that it was a success, so here it is.

(This serves 2)

1 mango (of about  a pound)
1 Chopped Onion (whichever type you prefer, I used a yellow onion)
1 clove of garlic minced
1 medium size red bell pepper
Some fresh or dried chopped cilantro (as much as you like)
2 Tablespoons of tomato sauce or paste
1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar
1 cup of brown sugar
1 Tbsp of mustard (or Dijon Mustard)
1/4 cup of finely chopped ginger
cayene pepper or chilli pepper to your taste.

Combine the vinegar and sugar in a pot and stir until dissolved. Bring to a boil. Add the remaining ingredients and cook on medium high for 30 to 45 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve over pork, fish or the meat of your choice.

I served it with Salmon which I baked at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, and brown rice.

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